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Full text of "The Courts Of Europe V-Ii"

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76                             LETTERS   FROM   THE

cracy; also the Duke d'Aiguillon and Matthleu de
Montmorency.1 All the droits feodaux are to be
put an end to, A Te Deum was sung In the
chapel at Versailles, at which the National As-
sembly assisted.

The Duke d'Orleans is very active, but does
not succeed. The discussion now is, whether the
King is to be allowed a veto on every act that is
passed; and parties differ on the subject.

The populace now call the poor Queen " Ma-
dame Veto," as they used to call her " Madame

October qth.

The Duke d'Orleans is becoming popular;
they call him " Le p£re du peuple!"

The day before yesterday a troop of poissardes
went about Paris, calling for bread! Hordes of
brigands and women, with pikes and sabres, came
on to Versailles. They say l'Abb"6 Gregoire2 led
them on. The Gardes du Corps, under the com-

i The Dukes d'Aiguillon, Noailles, Montmorency, and
others, abdicated their titles and privileges in the sitting of
the National Assembly upon the 4th of August, But this
act of concession, or patriotism, if it may be so called, did
not save them from subsequent proscription.

2 Count Henry Gregoire, born somewhere near Lune-
ville. He entered holy orders at an early age, and was
elected deputy to the States-General. He was one of the